Fixed Restorations
Artisan Z™
Exclusively from Harrison, our artisan line of all-ceramic restorations is the perfect match for any crown and bridge indication.
Our fixed restorations are fabricated with extreme precision to have ideal esthetics and the perfect durability for every indication. Our technicians utilize the latest technology to ensure your patients’ expectations are met. We are happy to craft industry standard, metal-based restorations and the latest in all-ceramic products.
Fixed products
Artisan Z™
Harrison Dental Studio is proud to offer superior full-contour zirconia restorations. Artisan Z™ is exclusively available from our laboratory and is milled by our highly trained technicians. We utilize the latest digital dentistry advancements to ensure that every restoration offers high precision and esthetics.

Esthetic Zirconia
Artisan Z™ HT is the ideal crossover between strength and esthetics. With a flexural strength of 769 MPa, it provides durability for any indication. Its translucency rivals that of lithium disilicate restorations and provides beautiful results in the anterior region.
Ready to prescribe Artisan Z™? Send a Case

High-Strength Zirconia
Artisan Z™ HS is a highly esthetic zirconia that offers unparalleled strength. Due to its 1,100 MPa, it is an excellent solution for posterior cases. In addition to strength, it provides a consistent shade match in both thin and thick areas. It is indicated for a wide variety of cases, including single crowns, frameworks, and full-arch restorations.
Ready to prescribe Artisan Z™? Send a Case
Our streamlined case submission process takes the hassle out of submitting impressions.